Digital Signature

This section is devoted to verification operations of the guarantee bonds and appendices issued by S2C S.p.A. Compagnia di Assicurazioni di Crediti e Cauzioni and signed with a certified digital signature.

Instructions for verification of digitally signed bonds / appendices

Conformity with the original information of the guarantee can be checked with the following procedure:

  1. Download the digital document by inserting the guarantee references in the sections of BOND VERIFICATION or APPENDIX VERIFICATION:

  2. The command selection allows you to download the selected electronic document on a local computer (.p7m file).

  3. Verify the conformity of the document using verification software recommended by Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AGID) (the full list is available at the following address).

Requested Bond or Appendix verification queries can be consulted through a specific attachment.

For more information, comments or issues related to the verification operations of bonds or appendices, please contact S2C management using the "Contact Us" section of this site.

Surety Bond with Digital Signature

S2C S.p.A. Compagnia di Assicurazioni di Crediti e Cauzioni has chosen to issue its bonds and appendices with the most modern technology available through the use of digital signatures.

The Company has therefore made available to its agents and agency network, the ability to digitally sign a bond and / or an appendix related to it and to make available on its site verification by the beneficiary institutions regarding the issuance procedure of the bond or appendix through consultation services specifically intended for verification purposes, thus allowing for a quicker issuance process to the benefit of the contracting party and the beneficiary entity.

It is appropriate to describe the digital signature in order to understand its significance and importance including for legal purposes and streamlining the process of issuing products.

The digital signature has the same legal value as handwritten signatures and represents its electronic equivalent.

The digital signature is the result of an IT procedure - called validation - which guarantees the authenticity of the electronic document, integrity and nonrepudiation:

  • Authorship: the digital signature guarantees the identity of the underwriter of the document
  • Integrity: the digital signature ensures that the document has not been altered since the signature; any changes are found by the verification process
  • Nonrepudiation: the signer cannot deny a document underwritten by him which has been signed through a digital signature to which full legal validity has been awarded to it because the certification body guarantees the truthfulness and accuracy of the information on the certificate

The digital signature is made through the use of an asymmetric encryption system in which the encryption keys are generated in pairs: a public key known to everyone and a private key, used only by the owner. The key feature is mutual: the data encrypted with one of the two keys can be decrypted only by the other.

The process of signing a document foresees that the asymmetric encryption procedure is applied using the private key of the signer. The process of signature verification, by contrast, is applied through the asymmetric encryption procedure using the public key of the signer.

The association between a signatory and his public key is done by the issuance of a digital signature certificate. These certificates can only be issued by authorized Accredited Certifiers from the Agenzia per l'Italia Digitale (AgID) that guarantee the identity of the persons who use the digital signature. AgID, in turn, carries out supervisory activities on the certifiers.

The signature process must be run internally in a hardware device with high safety standards for the protection of the private key. Such devices must be equipped with Common Criteria Level EAL 4+ certification.

For more details about the digital signature, please see the website of AgID and the decrees of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, or the responsible Minister, containing technical regulations in the field of generation, affixing and verification of digital signatures and time stamping of electronic documents pursuant to Art. 71 of CAD and subsequent amendments.


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